Join the Corps!

The PressCorps is always interested in reporters - the people who want to actively collect stories and facts on the Foxhole War, and the backbone of our Corps.

More technical roles like artists, translators, voice actors, etc are reached out to on an as-need basis.

Non-regimented players are preferred, but are in no way prevented from joining.

To become a reporter:

  1. Read our guidebook for a concise rundown of how we operate and see if you'd find a place to contribute.

  2. Join our Discord server. A Discord account is required to join, and you must be in the PressCorps Discord to receive a response.

  3. Submit an application form. An email is required. Please use an email account that does not use anything related to your real life (name, work, school, etc).

If you actually meant to become a Storm Chaser rather than a reporter, join at the bottom of our Weather Service page.